Annual Important Standing Dates for Classis/Church Actions
Annual Important Standing Dates for Classis 062515 (Download)
January 1
Delegates to General Synod and Regional Synod Due Date (to RCA and Regional Synod by stated clerk)
January 15
Specialized Minister Accountability Form Due Date (to stated clerk)
Church/Minister Retirement/Medical Benefit Verification Form Due Date [for prior calendar year] (to stated clerk)
January X
Classis Meeting Vote on Recommended Amendments to the RCA constitution
(Third Tuesday of Month) [committee/team reports due to stated clerk at least 21 days prior to the meeting date]
January 31
Constitutional Inquiries Forms Due Date (to stated clerk)
Church Consistory and Elders Minutes Due Date (direct to Church Revitalization Team chairperson for review)
March 1
Consistorial Reports Completion Date (completed on RCA website)
March X
Classis Meeting (Third Tuesday of the Month) [committee/team reports due to stated clerk at least 21 days prior to the meeting date]
Specialized Ministry Committee reports on Accountability Forms Evaluation
President’s State of Religion Due Date (to Regional Synod by stated clerk)
April 1
Vote Results on Amendments Due Date (to RCA by stated clerk)
Ministerial Change Report Due Date (to Regional Synod by stated clerk)
Consistorial Report data verified (to RCA by stated clerk)
Classis Minutes and Constitutional Inquires Summary (to Regional Synod by stated clerk)
Student Exams if required (usually the third Tuesday) [May if RCA seminary student; June if MFCA student and seminary student must be examined as well]
July 15
All budget requests are due to the Finance Committee including salary aid requests (direct to Finance Committee chairperson)
Requests for Salary and Benefits Waivers Due Date (copies to the Finance Committee chairperson and stated clerk)
September X
Classis Meeting (Third Tuesday of the Month) [committee/team reports due to stated clerk at least 21 days prior to the meeting date]
Nominations to committees presented to the Classis for approval
Even years election of President and Vice President
Classis budget approval (including assessments and salary guidelines)
December X
All delegates to General Synod and Regional Synod finalized (Third Tuesday of the month by Executive Committee)
NOTE: Churches with ministers under contract must submit a new contract for the next year two months before expiration/anniversary date for review and approval by the Pastoral Care Committee. Churches with “roll over” (multiple year) contract language must certify each year that the contract remains the same as the original contract for the next 12 months [this will comply with the BCO requirement that contracts are to be for one year]. (copies to Pastoral Care Committee chairperson and stated clerk)