
Reformed Church in America website- (General Secretary) 616-698-7071

The Reformed Church in America is our denomination.  Established as part of the religious efforts of Dutch colonies in the Americas, the RCA traces its direct roots to 1628. 

Regional Synod of the Great Lakes website- (John Messer, Synod Leader) 616-698-7071

Each particular classis is part of regional collections of classes.  Our regional synod covers Michigan and parts of Ohio.

World Communion of Reformed Churches—

The World Communion of Reformed Churches is the name of the newly combined body of global Reformed/Presbyterian denominations.  The RCA was an original member of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, one of the two merging bodies.  The World Communion of Reformed Churches will count over 70 million followers of Christ as part of its umbrella.

Reformed Church World Service—

The relief and development arm of our denominaition.